Air-gapped Moderne CLI workshop

The two day air-gapped Moderne CLI workshop allows participants to learn how to leverage OSS OpenRewrite recipes for OSS framework migrations and vulnerability management, as well as conduct impact analysis studies and build custom migrations via custom OpenRewrite recipes. The workshop is conducted by developers leveraging Moderne CLI and OpenRewrite recipes on their workstations. The Moderne team assists your developers during the workshop, but the code doesn’t leave developer workstations during the workshop. Existing access control policies govern developer access to SCM and Artifact stores.

After developers familiarize themselves with the CLI, we run code cleanup, framework migrations, and OWASP Top 10 vulnerability management recipes and collect ROI with our data tables. This would feed into the value deck we create after the workshop to describe results to management.

The second part of the workshop is focused on teaching developers how to plan and execute custom migration. Some example migrations we implemented in the past - switching identity providers, moving from one database to another, integrating with an internal third-party vulnerability management tool, and integrating with Launch Darkly to remove unused feature flags. We show how to quickly write a search recipe that allows us to output a data table of technology in use across all repositories. Then we implement custom recipes for the migration. The migration is not guaranteed to be complete by the end of the workshop, however, your developers come out with the necessary skills to complete the migration after.


  • The Moderne CLI and open source OpenRewrite recipe JARs need to be available in your internal mirror of Maven Central.

  • You will need to be proficient with Java.

  • Someone at your company needs to perform all of the steps in the environment preparation section before the workshop begins.

Environment preparation (before workshop)

Download the latest CLI

Download the latest version of the CLI from Maven Central:

(Optionally) Create an alias for the Moderne CLI JAR

While not required, you are strongly encouraged to set up an alias for running the CLI JAR. Below are some ways you might configure this depending on your OS and terminal:

Add the following function to your .bashrc file:

mod() {
    "java -jar /path/to/mod.jar" "$@"

Configure the CLI to use your license key

Please run the following command to configure your license:

mod config license edit <license-you-were-provided>

If you want more details about the license and its checks, please see our Moderne CLI license doc.

Configure the CLI to point to your internal Artifact repository

In order for the CLI to have access to read and publish LSTs, it will need to be provided with the path to your Maven settings file. This likely already exists on developer machines for the sake of redirecting requests from Maven Central to an internal Artifact instance. Recipe installation in the next step will use this Maven settings file.

mod config build maven settings edit /path/to/maven/settings
mod config lsts artifacts artifactory edit <artifact-repository-url> --user <user> --password <password>

Install recipe JARs

For each of the GAV coordinates below, please ensure that the artifact has been added to your internal Artifactory instance (assuming that your Artifactory instance is not a pure remote proxy to Maven Central already or that there isn't some automatic procurement step at dependency resolution time):

mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-core:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-gradle:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-hcl:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-java:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-json:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-maven:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-properties:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-protobuf:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-xml:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-yaml:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-hibernate:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-java-dependencies:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-java-security:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-logging-frameworks:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-migrate-java:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-spring:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-sql:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-static-analysis:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-terraform:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-testing-frameworks:LATEST

(Optionally) Create a CSV of the repositories you want to use

If you are going to be performing the workshop on a developer machine that already has a bunch of locally cloned repositories you want to run recipes against, feel free to skip to the building LSTs step.

If you need to clone repositories locally, you'll need to create a repos.csv file. This file will take in a list of repositories, the branch to use, and (optionally) various attributes about them that the CLI will use when building the repository.

To assist you with creating this CSV file, we've created scripts for pulling repository details from various source code managers. Please configure and run those as needed to build up your repos.csv file.

(Optionally) Clone repositories from the CSV

This only applies if you created a CSV in the previous step

With the CSV created, please run the mod git clone command similar to the following (replace spring-data with the location where you want the repositories cloned to):

mod git clone csv ./spring-data repos.csv --filter=true:0

The –filter=tree:0 argument is optional but helps clone faster, as it fetches all commit history but only trees for the latest commit.

Here is an example of what a repos.csv file might look like:


Here is what the results look like if everything ran correctly:

 mod git clone csv ./spring-data repos.csv --filter=tree:0

Moderne CLI 3.2.0

> Reading CSV file

CSV file contains 12 repositories

> Cloning repositories

Clone output will be written to file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/./spring-data/clone.log

> spring-data-couchbase@main
> spring-data-relational@main
> spring-data-rest@main
> spring-data-mongodb@main
> spring-data-cassandra@main
> spring-data-ldap@main
> spring-data-elasticsearch@main
> spring-data-redis@main
> spring-data-keyvalue@main
> spring-data-neo4j@main
> spring-data-jpa@main
> spring-data-commons@main
Cloned 12 repositories (1m 13s)

MOD SUCCEEDED in (1m 13s)

Build LSTs

Building LSTs is the most time-consuming step, as it is proportional to compilation time. In contrast to open-source OpenRewrite, these LSTs are saved to disk in a proprietary format.

In customer environments, we set up the build and publish of LSTs to an artifact store on a scheduled basis. mod build can take advantage of this and will download an LST from that artifact store if its changeset matches the changeset of the cloned repository.

Notice that you didn't need to configure Maven or Gradle, select Java versions, etc. The Moderne CLI detects all of that, matching up build tools and JDKs on the machine to each repository based on each repository's unique requirements. The detection can be overridden where needed – but it generally isn't.

 mod build ./spring-data

Moderne CLI 3.2.0

> Selecting repositories

> spring-projects/spring-data-cassandra@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-couchbase@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-jpa@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-keyvalue@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-ldap@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-mongodb@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-redis@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-relational@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-rest@main
Selected 12 repositories (0.63s)

> Building LST(s)

> spring-projects/spring-data-cassandra@main
    Build output will be written to file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-cassandra/.moderne/build/20240313103801-vgPGE/build.log
    > Step 1 - build with Maven
        Selected the 21.0.1-oracle JDK
    > Step 2 - build with mod-java
        Selected the 21.0.1-oracle JDK
    > Step 3 - build resources using the native CLI
    ✓ Built LST file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-cassandra/.moderne/build/20240313103801-vgPGE/spring-data-cassandra-20240313103852-ast.jar
    + Reported build metrics to Moderne
    + Cleaned 1 older builds.
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
    Build output will be written to file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-commons/.moderne/build/20240313103801-vgPGE/build.log

With an empty M2_LOCAL, this can take approximately 30 minutes to build.

Run a refactoring recipe

To make sure everything works, it's a good idea to run a refactoring recipe. Please run the following:

  • mod run ./spring-data --recipe CommonStaticAnalysis

  • mod run ./spring-data --recipe UpgradeToJava17

To view the diff, you can command + click on the file (or ctrl + click if on Windows).

Example CommonStaticAnalysis run:
 mod run ./spring-data --recipe CommonStaticAnalysis

Moderne CLI 3.2.0

> Selecting repositories

> spring-projects/spring-data-cassandra@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-couchbase@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-jpa@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-keyvalue@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-ldap@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-mongodb@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-redis@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-relational@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-rest@main
Selected 12 repositories (0.74s)

[1] Common static analysis issues (org.openrewrite.python.cleanup.CommonStaticAnalysis)
[2] Common static analysis issues (org.openrewrite.staticanalysis.CommonStaticAnalysis)
Select a recipe [1-2]: 2

> Running recipe org.openrewrite.staticanalysis.CommonStaticAnalysis

> spring-projects/spring-data-cassandra@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-cassandra/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-commons/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-couchbase@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-couchbase/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-elasticsearch/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-jpa@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-jpa/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-keyvalue@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-keyvalue/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-ldap@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-ldap/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-mongodb@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-mongodb/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-neo4j/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-redis@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-redis/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-relational@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-relational/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-rest@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-rest/.moderne/run/20240318101307-SOK8L/fix.patch
Found results on 12 repositories (2m 5s)

6m 24s saved by using previously built LSTs

* What to do next
    > Click on one of the patch links above to view the changes on a particular repository
    > Run mod study ./spring-data --last-recipe-run --data-table <DATA-TABLE> to examine the following data tables produced by this recipe:
    > Run npm install -g diff2html-cli to produce patch files on subsequent runs that are easier to view
    > Run mod git apply ./spring-data --last-recipe-run to apply the changes
    > Run mod git apply ./spring-data --recipe-run 20240318101307-SOK8L to apply the changes

MOD SUCCEEDED in (2m 15s)
Example UpgradeToJava17 run:
 mod run ./spring-data --recipe UpgradeToJava17

Moderne CLI 3.2.0

> Selecting repositories

> spring-projects/spring-data-cassandra@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-couchbase@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-jpa@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-keyvalue@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-ldap@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-mongodb@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-redis@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-relational@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-rest@main
Selected 12 repositories (0.64s)

[1] Migrate to Java 17 (
[2] Migrate to Java 17 (io.quarkus.updates.core.quarkus37.UpgradeToJava17)
Select a recipe [1-2]: 1

> Running recipe

> spring-projects/spring-data-cassandra@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-cassandra/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-commons/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-couchbase@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-couchbase/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-elasticsearch/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-jpa@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-jpa/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-keyvalue@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-keyvalue/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-ldap@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-ldap/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-mongodb@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-mongodb/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-neo4j/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-redis@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-redis/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-relational@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-relational/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-rest@main
    ✓ Fix results at file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/spring-data/spring-data-rest/.moderne/run/20240318101630-1v5cN/fix.patch
Found results on 12 repositories (2m 30s)

6m 24s saved by using previously built LSTs

* What to do next
    > Click on one of the patch links above to view the changes on a particular repository
    > Run mod study ./spring-data --last-recipe-run --data-table <DATA-TABLE> to examine the following data tables produced by this recipe:
    > Run npm install -g diff2html-cli to produce patch files on subsequent runs that are easier to view
    > Run mod git apply ./spring-data --last-recipe-run to apply the changes
    > Run mod git apply ./spring-data --recipe-run 20240318101630-1v5cN to apply the changes

MOD SUCCEEDED in (2m 43s)

These recipes will prepare patch files in .moderne folders in each repository, which can then be studied further or applied to the repository and committed:

mod git apply ./spring-data --last-recipe-run
mod git checkout ./spring-data java-17-upgrade -b
mod git commit ./spring-data -m "Upgrade to Java 17"

You likely have noticed the pattern by now. Moderne CLI commands are meant to operate recursively on the ./spring-data directory. For getting changes committed, mod acts as a poly-repository git.

Study the results of a recipe run

Recipes can produce data tables as a recipe run proceeds. Data tables are columnar data in a schema defined by the recipe.

Try running:

mod study ./spring-data --last-recipe-run --data-table SourcesFileResults

You should see:

 mod study ./spring-data --last-recipe-run --data-table SourcesFileResults

Moderne CLI 3.2.0

Found recipe run 20240318101630-1v5cN

> Selecting repositories

> spring-projects/spring-data-cassandra@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-couchbase@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-jpa@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-keyvalue@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-ldap@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-mongodb@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-redis@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-relational@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-rest@main
Selected 12 repositories (0.29s)

> Building a combined data table from results on every repository

> spring-projects/spring-data-cassandra@main
     Added 162 rows
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
     Added 221 rows
> spring-projects/spring-data-couchbase@main
     Added 82 rows
> spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch@main
     Added 48 rows
> spring-projects/spring-data-jpa@main
     Added 51 rows
> spring-projects/spring-data-keyvalue@main
     Added 11 rows
> spring-projects/spring-data-ldap@main
     Added 4 rows
> spring-projects/spring-data-mongodb@main
     Added 167 rows
> spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j@main
     Added 96 rows
> spring-projects/spring-data-redis@main
     Added 157 rows
> spring-projects/spring-data-relational@main
     Added 118 rows
> spring-projects/spring-data-rest@main
     Added 63 rows
Studied 12 repositories (18s)

* What to do next
    > Open file:///Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/tmp/SourcesFileResults.xlsx

If you open up the Excel output, you will see that 1000+ different changes were made across these 12 repositories.

Using templates with mod study

If you want to customize what you get out of data tables, you can use templates.

Run the following command:

mod run ./spring-data --recipe FindMethods -PmethodPattern="java.util.List add(..)"

Then, you can customize the output by providing a --template flag:

mod study ./spring-data --last-recipe-run --data-table MethodCalls --json sourceFile,method --template '{{"# Search results\n\n"}}{{range .}}{{"* "}}{{.sourceFile}}{{"\n```\n"}}{{.method}}{{"\n```\n"}}{{end}}' > 

In the above example, we are filtering the data table to only a couple columns we are interested in and then using a GoTemplate to produce a markdown file containing code samples for all of the matching methods we found in these 12 repositories.

Set up your development environment

We strongly recommend using IntelliJ IDEA when developing OpenRewrite recipes. If available, version 2024.1 would be best given the built-in support for OpenRewrite. Follow the instructions for setting up your IDE, optionally including the installation of the Moderne IntelliJ plugin. Note the additional tips as well. If you want to get started with creating your own recipe, we recommend starting from the rewrite-recipe-starter repository.

Custom recipe development workshop

Coming soon! In it, we will:

  • Review the concepts necessary for recipe development: the visitor design pattern and data structures in use

  • Discuss and understand the custom migration we want to implement together

  • Write a recipe to conduct an impact analysis of the technology in use, which in turn, guides our implementation of the migration recipes.

Last updated