Invalid entry compressed size exception

We've seen this a few times and suspect it's the result of an underlying bug in the JDK.

To fix this, please:

  1. Ensure that you're running a more recent JDK (or, at least, the latest patch release of your JDK of choice).

  2. Remove the ~/.m2/repository/io/moderne directory.

After you've done both, re-run the command you were attempting.

Could not find artifact io.moderne:modmaven:jar in Artifactory

We suspect this is the same issue as the invalid entry compressed size exception and suggest performing the same steps to try and resolve.

If you look in your Maven home directory (~/.m2/repository/io/moderne/modmaven), you will likely see a modmaven-*.jar file. However, it is likely that the JAR is corrupted due to the JDK bug mentioned above.

Issues with cloning repositories with deep file paths

On Windows machines, you may run into issues cloning repositories with deep file paths. To fix this, try running the following command:

git config --system core.longpaths true

Parse errors while building

If you run into parse errors while building, please run the org.openrewrite.FindParseFailures recipe. This will produce a data table that contains a row for each parse failure.

To run this recipe and generate this data table with the CLI, please run the following command:

mod run . --recipe FindParseFailures
mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table org.openrewrite.table.ParseFailures

Failed to apply patch: Cannot apply: HunkHeader

If you experience this issue when running mod git apply, please try committing/stashing/reverting the unsaved changes before running mod git apply again.

If that doesn't work, and you keep running into issues with this, please contact support@moderne.io and provide us with the fix.patch file and the target files (ideally reduced to the minimum need to replicate the issues).

My project only builds resources, not my Maven or other build

If you see Step 1 - build resources, then we did not detect any other build tools. Your output would look something like:

> some-org/some-repository@develop
Build output will be written to file:///Users/you/Documents/some-repository/.moderne/build/20240917092838-mt6Ew/build.log
> Step 1 - build resources
+ Built LST file:///Users/you/Documents/some-repository/.moderne/build/20240917092838-mt6Ew/some-repository-20240917092845-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.

If your project does contain a pom.xml file (or similar), then you might want to double-check that your .gitignore file does not exclude it.

The CLI skips any resources marked as Git ignored during project discovery, and remove the matching entry from .gitignore if present.

Last updated