An in-depth look at how authentication works in the Moderne Platform.
Instructions for downloading reports.
Moderne architecture
A detailed technical document about the Moderne Platform and how it fits into your environment.
AI architecture
A detailed technical document about all of the places Moderne uses AI.
Sensitive data flow
Describes how sensitive data flows through Moderne's services.
User roles
Outlines what permissions different types of users have in the Moderne Platform.
GitHub permissions
A look into the GitHub OAuth permissions needed for Moderne to work correctly.
Git interactions
How Moderne interacts with Git to apply changes generated by recipes.
Routing requests to agents
Information on how Moderne routes requests to agents.
How LST artifacts are produced
High-level information on how LST artifacts are created and used.
Supported SCMs
What source code managers (SCMs) Moderne supports.
Lossless semantic trees
An in-depth technical document describing what lossless semantic trees are and how they're used.
GraphQL API reference
A link to the Moderne GraphQL API reference docs.