How to execute user-supplied commands on a list of repositories

The Moderne CLI allows users to execute arbitrary commands on a list of repositories using the mod exec command. For example, the following CLI command will execute git status on each repository it finds under the current directory:

mod exec . -- git status

When supplying mod exec with a command with arguments, the POSIX end-of-options delimiter -- must precede the command.

Restricting command execution on repositories with recipe run results

After running a recipe on a set of repositories you may wish to execute a command on those repositories but only if the recipe run produced results. To restrict the Moderne CLI to only execute the command on repositories with results from the last recipe run, the following command can be used:

mod exec . --last-recipe-run -- /Users/jsmith/scripts/

Computed variables

User-supplied commands can take advantage of a set of variables computed by the Moderne CLI specific to the repository the command is executed on. For example, when parsing the command


the Moderne CLI will substitute MODERNE_BUILD_TOOL_CHECK with the build tool command to execute verification tasks specific to the repository. This would expand to gradle check and mvn verify for Gradle and Maven projects respectively.

Additionally, each computed variable is added to the environment the command is run in, there by allowing access to variables within the script. For example, the following script named will set the JDK version prior to executing repository validation tasks using the computed Java version supplied by the MODERNE_JAVA_VERSION environment variable:



Execute the script using:

mod exec . -- /Users/jsmith/scripts/

Variables computed by the Moderne CLI

  • MODERNE_JAVA_HOME the path to the JDK installation detected to build the repository

  • MODERNE_JAVA_VERSION the version of the detected JDK

  • MODERNE_JAVA_JDK the path to the java binary of the detected JDK

  • MODERNE_BUILD_TOOL the build tool detected for the repository

  • MODERNE_BUILD_TOOL_COMPILE the build tool command used to compile the repository

  • MODERNE_BUILD_TOOL_CHECK the build tool command used to verify the repository

  • MODERNE_BUILD_TOOL_DIR the directory that the build tool is executed in, which may be a directory below the repository root.

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