Configure an agent with Bitbucket Cloud access

In order to view recipe results and commit changes from a recipe back to Bitbucket, you'll need to create an application link in Bitbucket and configure the Moderne agent with the appropriate variables.

To assist with that, this guide will:


  • You will need access to create a Bitbucket OAuth Consumer

Bitbucket configuration

Step 1: Create a Bitbucket OAuth Consumer

Follow this Atlassian guide to create an OAuth Consumer.

Once that's done, configure the callback URL to point at your Moderne tenant:

The consumer should have these permissions:

  • Projects - Read

  • Repositories - Write

  • Pull requests - Write

Once your consumer has been created, you should see a key and a secret:

Please save those for use in Step 2.

Agent configuration

Step 2: Configure the Moderne agent

The following table contains all of the variables/arguments you need to add to your Moderne agent run command in order for it to work with your Bitbucket instance. Please note that these variables/arguments must be combined with ones found in other steps in the Configuring the Moderne agent guide.


  • MODERNE_AGENT_BITBUCKET_CLOUD_OAUTH_KEYThe key specified in your Bitbucket OAuth consumer.

  • MODERNE_AGENT_BITBUCKET_CLOUD_OAUTH_SECRETThe secret specified in your Bitbucket OAuth consumer.


docker run \
# ... Existing variables
# ... Additional variables

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