User roles


Interact with DevCenter

View Marketplace

Build recipes

Create and use access tokens

Deploy recipe and visualization artifacts

View list of repositories

View activity log

Run recipes and visualizations

View recipe results

Commit recipe results

View audit logs

Download usage reports

View connected agents and associated technologies

View and delete user access tokens

Quarantine repositories

View connected workers

Organization access

Organization access is determined via an Organizations service. Once an organization service is configured, users will only be able to view and interact with repositories that belong to the organizations they've been assigned to. Even if they have direct access to a repositories code, they won't be able to do anything in Moderne with it unless they've been granted access to an organization that contains that repository.

SCM access

In order to view recipe results, download data tables produced by a recipe, or commit recipe results, users will need to have SCM access to the repositories. This restriction applies even for admins in Moderne.

Repository insights

The repository insights page provides details about a repository such as what languages it is composed of, where the artifacts live, what version of Java it uses, how it was built, etc.

You can find repository insights by clicking on the repositories link in the navigation bar:

Then find the repository you want to learn more about in the list of repositories and click on the repository name:

You'll then be taken to the repository insights page:

Last updated