Layered configuration in the Moderne CLI

One big challenge that comes with building LSTs for many repositories on many different machines is configuration. What arguments do you need to build each repository? Are there Maven specific ones? Gradle specific ones? Do they change depending on the group of projects? How do you share these configurations with new people on the team?

To meet all of these needs, the Moderne CLI offers a few options for how you can include global or project-specific build arguments. In this guide, we'll walk through each of them and explain when you should use one over another.

By default, the Moderne CLI will write configuration files to ~/.moderne/cli. If your company has a home directory that is not local (such as a network share), you can set the MODERNE_CLI_HOME environment variable to point to a local directory. This can drastically increase the speed of the Moderne CLI.

export MODERNE_CLI_HOME=/space/moderne/cli

Global configuration

If your company has some configuration that will apply to most, if not all, projects, you should use global configuration. This will allow you to set arguments for any LST build for any project on the machine (which can be overridden by local configuration).

Please note that these arguments will not be saved in the individual projects. If someone else were to try and build these projects on a different machine, they would need to configure these arguments themselves. If you want to save arguments for a specific project, please see the local configuration (shared) section.

Below are two examples that demonstrate global configuration. If you run either of these commands, the arguments will be added to any Maven or Gradle build being run through the Moderne CLI.

mod config build maven arguments edit "-Pmdep.skip"
mod config build gradle arguments edit "--refresh-dependencies --some-additional-args"

You can see what arguments exist for specific commands by running:

mod config build maven arguments show
mod config build gradle arguments show

Or, you can navigate to the ~/.moderne/cli/moderne.yml file and see all of your configuration options for all commands there.

If you want to delete the global arguments, you can run the commands:

mod config build maven arguments delete
mod config build gradle arguments delete

Local configuration (user-specific)

When building repositories, there may come a time when you want to edit build arguments for some projects, but you don't want to check those changes in as they could cause harm or trigger unnecessary builds. In these situations, you can use the --local flag such as in the following command:

mod config build maven arguments edit "-Pmdep.skip" --local ./working-set

After running that, when you go to build the LST artifacts for any project in the specified directory/directories, these arguments will be used – but no files that will be checked in with Git will be updated. Please note that this will override any arguments that you've provided globally. If you want those arguments to apply to the local project(s) you're specifying, please make sure that you include them in this command.

Also note that this applies recursively. If the directory you specify contains many Git repositories, this will apply to all of them. For example, if your directory structure looks like:


Then, after running this command, both the spring-boot and spring-framework projects will use the arguments you included whenever LSTs are built.

You can see the list of arguments exist for any command by running the following command:

mod config build maven arguments show --local ./path/to/your/project
mod config build gradle arguments show --local ./path/to/your/project

You can also see the local arguments by looking in the .moderne/moderne-uncommitted.yml file in each repository such as in:

        moderne-uncommited.yml <-- arguments will be saved here
        moderne-uncommited.yml <-- arguments will be saved here

The Moderne CLI will add the .moderne directory to the .git/info/exclude in each repository (which is then added by Git to the repository's .gitignore and global .gitignore to decide what to ignore). This prevents this file and these arguments from being checked in. However, when you go to build LSTs, the arguments specified here will be used.

If you want to delete the local arguments, please run one of the following commands:

mod config build maven arguments delete --local ./path/to/your/project
mod config build gradle arguments delete --local ./path/to/your/project

Local configuration (shared)

In order to build some projects, you may find that there are certain arguments that need to be added or included. Rather than having to tell every person to add these specific arguments and running into issues when they don't, you can save the specific build arguments you need by including the --save parameter at the end of your commands such as in the following example:

mod config build maven arguments edit "-Pmdep.skip" --local ./working-set --save

After running that, a .moderne/moderne.yml file will be created that includes the arguments you specified. The CLI will add !.moderne/moderne.yml to .git/info/exclude so that this single file in the .moderne folder is eligible for commiting to the repository. You can check these files in by running:

mod add ./working-set
mod commit ./working-set -m "Add Moderne configuration"
mod push ./working-set

Then, when you go to build the LST artifacts for any project in these directory/directories, these arguments will be used.

Please note that this will override any arguments that you've provided globally. If you want those arguments to apply to the local project(s) you're specifying, please make sure that you include them in this command.

Also note that this applies recursively. If the directory you specify contains many Git repositories, this will apply to all of them. For example, if your directory structure looks like:


Then, after running this command, both the spring-boot and spring-framework projects will use the arguments you included whenever LSTs are built.

You can see the list of arguments exist for any command by running the following command:

mod config build maven arguments show --local ./path/to/your/project
mod config build gradle arguments show --local ./path/to/your/project 

You can also see the local arguments by looking in the .moderne/moderne.yml file in each repository such as in:

        moderne.yml <-- arguments will be saved here
        moderne.yml <-- arguments will be saved here

If you want to delete the local arguments, please run one of the following commands:

mod config build maven arguments delete --local ./path/to/your/project
mod config build gradle arguments delete --local ./path/to/your/project

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