
Instructions for downloading reports


Moderne offers three types of reports for administrators:

  • Audit logs - every action any user takes in the system is logged. We currently have two ways of accessing it: via a UI, and via the API as a download in CEF format.

  • Recipes run - every recipe run by every user in your system. Includes the recipe name, time saved, user that ran it, recipe, as well as various statistics of the recipe run.

  • Commits made - every commit made by every user in your system. Includes the recipe run id (to be able to link the reports together), the type of commit, status of the commit job, as well as other statistics of the commit job.

Audit logs

Audit logs are accessible from https://<TENANT>, and can be viewed in the UI, accessed from the API, or downloaded in CEF format.

Other reports (recipe runs and commits)

To access non-audit-log reports, navigate to https://<TENANT>

Accessing via the API

All of these reports can be accessed via the API as well. Here is an example of how to prepare and download the recipe run report:

mutation firstGenerateRecipeRunReport {
  downloadRecipeRunReport {

query secondDownloadRecipeRunReport($id: ID!) {
  recipeRunReportDownload(id: $id) {

The output of secondDownloadRecipeRunReport will include a URL which you can then use to download the report.

Note: These actions require admin access, and Moderne tokens do not provide admin access (even for platform administrators). You must use your current JWT, accessible by accessing https://<TENANT> and copying the authorization:

Last updated