Mass ingest
One of the first steps of integrating your code with Moderne is setting up a pipeline that builds and publishes LST artifacts to an artifact repository that you control.
Moderne Agent
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Configuring the Organizations service
Many organizations desire the ability to dynamically control the organizational structure (repository groupings) of their repositories within the Moderne Platform. To facilitate this need, Moderne provides an optional integration with an Organizations service that is hosted in your environment.
Configuring the DevCenter
The Moderne DevCenter is the mission-control dashboard of the Moderne Platform. It provides you with high-level details about the state of all of your repositories. Using it, you can track the progress of upgrades, migrations, and security vulnerabilities. You can also use it to view key visualizations you care about – such as a dependency graph or a SQL operation usage chart.
How to create visualizations
Visualizations provide a unique way of looking at the data generated by specific recipes. A visualization could be a complex image that you can zoom in and out of to examine connections between nodes or it could be as simple as a text-based table that you can filter or search.
Importing external recipes
External recipes can be imported into for use by your organization.
LST cleanup
As your team develops new code, LSTs will be created and added to your artifact repository. Over time, however, many of these LSTs will no longer be useful and should be removed to save space.