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How to speed up the Moderne CLI with parallelism

Depending on the number of repositories you have, it can take a long time to clone the repositories or run recipes against them.

To help improve this experience, we've introduced a --parallel flag on a variety of commands in the CLI. Adding this option to the end of a supported command will allow you to configure how many threads the command should use. More threads dedicated to the command will result in significant speed improvements.

--parallel flag options

  • Setting this option to 2 or more causes the command to run with a fixed-size thread pool with that many threads.

  • Setting this to 1 causes the command to run sequentially.

  • Setting this to 0 runs the command with a thread pool sized to the number of CPU cores on your machine.

  • Setting this to a negative number runs the command with a fixed-size thread pool equal to the number of CPU cores minus the absolute value of that number. For example, -1 runs the command with (cores-1) threads.


The following command will clone all of the repositories in the Default org to your local machine using the number of threads available on your computer:

mod git clone moderne . "Default" --parallel 0

The following command will run the DependencyVulnerabilityCheck recipe against all of the repositories in your current directory using a thread pool with the number of threads equal to the number of cores available on your computer minus 1:

mod run . --recipe DependencyVulnerabilityCheck --parallel -1


Below is a table showing what the default parallelization setting is for various commands:

CLI commandDefault behavior without explicit --parallel
mod run --recipeSequential. In a future release, this will likely change to opt-out.
mod run --active-recipeParallel
mod run --streamingParallel
mod config recipes moderne syncParallel
mod config recipes jar installSequential. In a future release, this will likely change to opt-out.
mod buildSequential
mod build --download-onlyParallel