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How to install and configure the Moderne CLI in an air-gapped environment

If your company has restrictions on what you can access via the internet, you'll need to download and configure the Moderne CLI in a special way. This doc will walk you through everything you need to know for this. By the end, you will have the CLI downloaded and configured in your air-gapped environment.


  • You can't access from your environment
  • You have an internal mirror of Maven Central (or some other internal artifact repository)
  • You have the ability to download and add JARs from Maven Central to your internal artifact repository

Installation and configuration

Step 1: Download the Moderne CLI JAR

Download the latest version of the Moderne CLI from Maven Central. Once downloaded, please add it to your internal mirror so that it's accessible for all users in your environment.

While not required, you are strongly encouraged to set up an alias for running the CLI JAR. Below are some ways you might configure this depending on your OS and terminal:

Add the following function to your .bashrc file:

mod() {
"java -jar /path/to/mod.jar" "$@"

If everything was configured correctly, you should be able to type mod into your terminal and see a list of commands:

mod command results
➜ mod

Moderne CLI 3.31.0


mod [-h] [--version] [COMMAND]


Automated code remediation.


-h, --help Display this help message.
--version Display version info.

afterburner (INCUBATING) Indexes built LSTs to accelerate recipe
audit (INCUBATING) Perform an audit of recent activity.
build Generates LST artifacts for one or more repositories.
clean Clean build and run artifacts produced by the CLI.
config Global configuration options that are required by some
CLI commands.
devcenter DevCenter operations.
exec Execute an arbitrary shell command recursively on
selected repository roots.
git Multi-repository git operations.
log Manages a log aggregate.
list Lists the repositories that can be built and published.
monitor (INCUBATING) Launches an HTTP server used to monitor the
publish Publishes the LST artifacts for one or more projects.
run Runs an OpenRewrite recipe locally on pre-built LSTS.
run-history Get information about the most recent recipe runs. This
will be transitioning to mod audit runs list
eventually. A deprecation notice will be added here
when we suggest adopting the alternative.
study Produces studies from OpenRewrite recipe data tables
generate-completion Generate bash/zsh completion script for mod.


Step 3: Configure the CLI to use your license

In order to run recipes, you'll need to ensure the CLI is configured with a license. You should have received a license from us. With that license, please run the following command:

mod config license edit <license-you-were-provided>

For more information on the Moderne CLI license, please see our license documentation.

Step 4: Configure the CLI to point to your internal artifact repository

In order for the CLI to have access to read and publish LSTs, it will need to be provided with the path to your Maven settings file. This likely exists on developer machines for the sake of redirecting requests from Maven Central to an internal artifact instance.

Run the following command to point the CLI to your Maven settings file:

mod config build maven settings edit /path/to/maven/settings/file

After that, configure the connection to your artifact repository by running one of the following commands (depending on the type of artifact repository you're using):

mod config lsts artifacts artifactory edit <artifact-repository-url> --user <user> --password <password>

Step 5: Install recipe JARs

For each of the GAV coordinates below, please ensure that the artifact has been added to your internal artifact repository (assuming that your artifact repository is not a pure remote proxy to Maven Central already or that there isn't some automatic procurement step at dependency resolution time):

mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-core:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-gradle:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-hcl:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-java:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-json:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-maven:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-properties:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-protobuf:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-xml:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite:rewrite-yaml:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-hibernate:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-java-dependencies:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-java-security:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-logging-frameworks:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-migrate-java:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-spring:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-sql:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-static-analysis:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-terraform:LATEST
mod config recipes jar install org.openrewrite.recipe:rewrite-testing-frameworks:LATEST

Step 6: Create a list of your repositories

In order for the CLI to run recipes against your code, you will need to provide it with a repos.csv file. The first row in the CSV file should be a header row that lists out the columns you intend to provide. After that, each row will represent a repository. At a minimum, you should include a URL to clone said repository – but you can also provide other columns as needed.

Here is an example of a simple CSV file for cloning some OpenRewrite repositories:

Columns you can provide in your repos.csv file:
Column nameRequiredDescriptionExamples
cloneUrltrueThe URL of the repository that should be or
branchfalseThe branch of the above repository that should be ingested.main
changesetfalseIf provided, this will check out the repository at this specific commit SHA.aa5f25ac0031
javafalseConfigures the JDK to use.17 or 17-tem or 17.0.6-tem
jvmoptsfalseJVM options added to tools building LSTs. Must be configured before you can run the build command if non-standard VM options are required.-Xmx4G
mavenargsfalseBuild arguments are added to the end of the Maven command line when building LSTs.-P fast
gradleargsfalseBuild arguments that are added to the end of the Gradle command line when building LSTs.-Dmyprop=myvalue
org*falseIf you have configured an organizations service, you can provide one or more organization columns. Each column will specify an organization the repository should be part of. The column name should be org plus a number such as: org1,org2,org3.openrewrite

To assist with creating a repos.csv file, we've written some bash scripts that will generate a simple CSV file for you:

Step 1: Install and configure the GitHub CLI if you haven't already done so.

Step 2: Create a file like:

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <org>"
echo "Example: $0 openrewrite"
exit 1


gh repo list "$organization" \
--json url,defaultBranchRef \
--jq '["cloneUrl","branch"], (.[] | [.url,]) | @csv'

Step 3: Grant the script access to be run:

chmod +x

Step 4: Run the script and pipe it to a repos.csv file:

./ YOUR_ORG_NAME > repos.csv

If everything was done correctly, you should have a repos.csv file that looks similar to:


Step 7: Clone your repositories

Create a directory somewhere on your machine where you'd like the CLI to clone the repositories to. Then navigate to that directory, copy the repos.csv file to it, and run the following command:

mod git clone csv . repos.csv

Step 8: Build your repositories

With all of the repositories cloned to your machine, you can then build LSTs for them by running the following command:

mod build .

With the LSTs built, you're ready to run recipes against them! Consider checking out the using the CLI section in the getting started guide to see some ways you can use the CLI.