Getting started with the Moderne CLI
The Moderne CLI is a command line tool that compliments the Moderne Platform and Moderne DX, enabling you to build Lossless Semantic Tree (LST) artifacts across many repositories and run recipes against all of them from your local machine. It also provides substantial benefits for creating and testing your own recipes.
To ensure you can use the Moderne CLI successfully, in this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to get started – from installation, to configuration, to examples demonstrating how to use it.
- You can access or a private Moderne tenant
- You are familiar with running terminal commands
Installation and configuration
If you are in an air-gapped environment, please follow the instructions for installing and configuring the CLI in an air-gapped environment instead.
Step 1: Download the CLI
- Go to the Moderne Platform (or your private tenant) and sign in.
- Click on
in the bottom left-hand corner and select the version of the CLI you want to download (Stable or Staging). - Either press the download button for your appropriate OS, or select the installation method in the provided table. We recommend using HomeBrew or Chocolatey if you have access to either.

- If you chose to install the CLI without a package manager, you'll need to save it somewhere that your terminal can access. This could involve updating your
to point to a specific location – or this could involve putting it in a directory that's already on yourPATH
(such as a/user/bin
directory).- Remember to refresh any open terminals if you modify the
- Remember to refresh any open terminals if you modify the
If everything was configured correctly, you should be able to type mod
into your terminal and see a list of commands:
mod command results
➜ mod
Moderne CLI 3.32.3
mod [-h] [--version] [COMMAND]
Automated code remediation.
-h, --help Display this help message.
--version Display version info.
afterburner (INCUBATING) Indexes built LSTs to accelerate recipe
audit (INCUBATING) Perform an audit of recent activity.
build Generates LST artifacts for one or more repositories.
clean Clean build and run artifacts produced by the CLI.
config Global configuration options that are required by some
CLI commands.
devcenter DevCenter operations.
exec Execute an arbitrary shell command recursively on
selected repository roots.
git Multi-repository git operations.
log Manages a log aggregate.
list Lists the repositories that can be built and published.
monitor (INCUBATING) Launches an HTTP server used to monitor the
publish Publishes the LST artifacts for one or more projects.
run Runs an OpenRewrite recipe locally on pre-built LSTS.
run-history Get information about the most recent recipe runs. This
will be transitioning to mod audit runs list
eventually. A deprecation notice will be added here
when we suggest adopting the alternative.
study Produces studies from OpenRewrite recipe data tables
generate-completion Generate bash/zsh completion script for mod.
MOD SUCCEEDED in (0.01s)
Step 2: (Optional) Set up auto-completion in your terminal (Unix terminals only)
The Moderne CLI offers a command which generates a completion script that can be used to set up auto-completion in your terminal. After initializing this script, you can type mod config
and press tab and then your terminal will offer suggestions for the sub-commands or parameters:

To configure this for the terminal you're using please enter the following command in your terminal:
source <(mod generate-completion)
Or, if you want to configure auto-completion so that it works for every terminal instance you make, please update your ~/.zshrc
or ~/.bashrc
file and add this command to the bottom of it:
# The next line enables shell command completion for mod
source <(mod generate-completion)
Step 3: Connect the CLI to Moderne
Connecting the CLI to Moderne is necessary to:
- Quickly sync the recipe catalog from Moderne to your local machine
- Download pre-built LSTs from Moderne so you can quickly run recipes locally
- Receive organizational information, so you can clone/build/run groups of repositories more easily
To set up this connection, you'll first need to create an access token for the CLI to use. Follow the below instructions to obtain a token and provide it to the CLI:
- Navigate to
- If you're in a private tenant, replace
with your tenant URL
- If you're in a private tenant, replace
- Enter a human-readable name for the token (e.g., cli-token)
- Press
- Copy the
install on your workstation
command and paste it into your command line. This command should look something like:
mod config moderne edit --token mat-YOUR_TOKEN_HERE
- If everything worked, you should see a

Step 4: Install recipes
With the Moderne connection established, you can download recipes to your local machine by running the following command:
mod config recipes moderne sync
This will grab all of the recipes from the tenant you specified in mod config
– so please expect this command to take a few minutes to download the recipes.
Using the CLI
With installation and configuration done, you're now ready to use the CLI. Let's walk through some things you might do with it. We recommend you follow along on your own machine to get a feel for how to use the CLI.
Run recipes against many repositories at once
In this example, we will use the Moderne CLI to run the DependencyVulnerabilityCheck
recipe against a group of open-source repositories.
- From your terminal, create a directory to work in and
into it:
mkdir -p $HOME/workshop
cd $HOME/workshop
- For this exercise, we've prepared a list of open-source repositories for you to use. These repositories have been added to the Moderne Platform and put inside the
organization. Clone these repositories by running the following command from inside yourworkshop
mod git clone moderne . "Default" --parallel 0
The --parallel
flag will significantly speed up Moderne CLI commands. For more information on how to use it, check out our how to use parallelism guide
If you need to enter an SSH passphrase to clone repositories, please see our SSH keys with passphrases guide before continuing.
You should see output similar to the following.
Moderne CLI 3.32.3
> Cloning organization from Moderne
Moderne has 12 repositories in Default
Listed all 12 repositories (1s)
> Cloning repositories
Clone output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/./clone.log
+ Cloned
+ Cloned
+ Cloned
+ Cloned
+ Cloned
+ Cloned
+ Cloned
+ Cloned
+ Cloned
+ Cloned
+ Cloned
+ Cloned
Cloned 12 repositories. Synchronized DevCenter configuration. (15s)
- Confirm that your repositories were cloned correctly by running the following command:
ls . # For Mac/Unix users
dir . # For Windows users
You should see output similar to the following.
Netflix apache aws awslabs clone.log finos openrewrite spring-projects
- Now that you have the repositories on your local machine, you'll need to build the Lossless Semantic Trees (LSTs) for them so that you can run recipes against them. Fortunately, since most of these repositories have their LSTs published to the Moderne Platform, the build operation will download the LSTs without you having to build them locally. This will save you a ton of time!
By default, the CLI is able to build LSTs for well-formed projects (i.e. projects that build well with a plain mvn verify
or gradle build
). At times, however, you may encounter a project that fails to build. This could be because of a hidden dependency on certain tooling, like NPM, or because specific dependencies or repositories are not available without additional configuration.
Through mod config build and other configuration options, you're typically able to get these LSTs built and ingested fairly quickly. For the purposes of this tutorial, however, let's ignore any projects that don't build and focus on running recipes against the ones that do.
mod build . --download-only
You should see output similar to the following.
Moderne CLI 3.32.3
> Selecting repositories
> apache/maven-doxia@master
> aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver@develop (no LST)
> awslabs/aws-saas-boost@main
> finos/messageml-utils@main
> finos/spring-bot@spring-bot-master (no LST)
> finos/symphony-bdk-java@main
> finos/symphony-wdk@master
> Netflix/photon@master
> Netflix/ribbon@master
> openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
> spring-projects/spring-petclinic@main
Selected 12 repositories (1s)
> Building LST(s)
> aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver@develop (no LST)
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
! Failed to download the LST from Moderne. Proceeding to build the LST locally
! Skipping build because --download-only was specified
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver@develop (no LST)
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
! Failed to download the LST from Moderne. Proceeding to build the LST locally
! Skipping build because --download-only was specified
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> finos/messageml-utils@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/messageml-utils/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/messageml-utils/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/messageml-utils-20250113150710321-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> finos/messageml-utils@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/messageml-utils/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/messageml-utils/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/messageml-utils-20250113150710321-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> spring-projects/spring-petclinic@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/spring-projects/spring-petclinic/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/spring-projects/spring-petclinic/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/spring-petclinic-20250113152659526-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> spring-projects/spring-petclinic@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/spring-projects/spring-petclinic/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/spring-projects/spring-petclinic/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/spring-petclinic-20250113152659526-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/rewrite-recipe-bom-20250113150546513-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/rewrite-recipe-bom-20250113150546513-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/spring-projects/spring-data-commons/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/spring-projects/spring-data-commons/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/spring-data-commons-20250113162331800-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/spring-projects/spring-data-commons/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/spring-projects/spring-data-commons/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/spring-data-commons-20250113162331800-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> Netflix/photon@master
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/Netflix/photon/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/Netflix/photon/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/photon-20250113150010450-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> Netflix/photon@master
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/Netflix/photon/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/Netflix/photon/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/photon-20250113150010450-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> finos/spring-bot@spring-bot-master (no LST)
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/spring-bot/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
! Failed to download the LST from Moderne. Proceeding to build the LST locally
! Skipping build because --download-only was specified
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> finos/spring-bot@spring-bot-master (no LST)
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/spring-bot/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
! Failed to download the LST from Moderne. Proceeding to build the LST locally
! Skipping build because --download-only was specified
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> awslabs/aws-saas-boost@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/awslabs/aws-saas-boost/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/awslabs/aws-saas-boost/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/aws-saas-boost-20250113150659155-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> awslabs/aws-saas-boost@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/awslabs/aws-saas-boost/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/awslabs/aws-saas-boost/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/aws-saas-boost-20250113150659155-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> finos/symphony-wdk@master
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/symphony-wdk/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/symphony-wdk/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/symphony-wdk-20250113152235742-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> finos/symphony-wdk@master
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/symphony-wdk/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/symphony-wdk/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/symphony-wdk-20250113152235742-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> Netflix/ribbon@master
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/Netflix/ribbon/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/Netflix/ribbon/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/ribbon-20250114131509413-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> Netflix/ribbon@master
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/Netflix/ribbon/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/Netflix/ribbon/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/ribbon-20250114131509413-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> apache/maven-doxia@master
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/apache/maven-doxia/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/apache/maven-doxia/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/maven-doxia-20250113152634226-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> apache/maven-doxia@master
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/apache/maven-doxia/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/apache/maven-doxia/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/maven-doxia-20250113152634226-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> finos/symphony-bdk-java@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/symphony-bdk-java/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/symphony-bdk-java/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/symphony-bdk-java-20250113152151248-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
> finos/symphony-bdk-java@main
Build output will be written to /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/symphony-bdk-java/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/build.log
> Download from Moderne
+ Downloaded LST /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/symphony-bdk-java/.moderne/build/20250114092358-tq3FB/symphony-bdk-java-20250113152151248-ast.jar
+ Reported build metrics to Moderne
+ Cleaned 1 older builds.
Built LSTs for 0 repositories, downloaded 10 LSTs (6s)
1h saved by using previously built LSTs
* What to do next
> Run mod run . --recipe=<RecipeName>
> Run mod devcenter run .
> Run mod log builds add . --last-build to aggregate build logs
- With the LSTs downloaded to your machine, you can now run recipes against them. Let's run the
recipe to find and fix vulnerable dependencies. Unlike many other tools, this recipe can find and fix dependencies that are many levels deep. For instance, if you depend on a library which depends on a library which depends on a library which contains a vulnerable dependency, this recipe can find that and offer suggestions on how to fix it.
mod run . --recipe DependencyVulnerabilityCheck --parallel 0
# Select the recipe that matches
You should see output similar to the following.
Moderne CLI 3.32.3
> Selecting repositories
> apache/maven-doxia@master
> aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver@develop (no LST)
> awslabs/aws-saas-boost@main
> finos/messageml-utils@main
> finos/spring-bot@spring-bot-master (no LST)
> finos/symphony-bdk-java@main
> finos/symphony-wdk@master
> Netflix/photon@master
> Netflix/ribbon@master
> openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
> spring-projects/spring-petclinic@main
Selected 12 repositories (1s)
[1] Find and fix vulnerable Nuget dependencies (org.openrewrite.csharp.dependencies.DependencyVulnerabilityCheck)
[2] Find and fix vulnerable dependencies (
[3] Find and fix vulnerable npm dependencies (org.openrewrite.nodejs.DependencyVulnerabilityCheck)
Select a recipe [1-3]: 2
> Running recipe
> aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver@develop (no LST)
! Skipping recipe run because no LST was found
> finos/spring-bot@spring-bot-master (no LST)
! Skipping recipe run because no LST was found
> openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom@main
No changes
> apache/maven-doxia@master
No changes
> finos/messageml-utils@main
No changes
> finos/symphony-bdk-java@main
No changes
> Netflix/ribbon@master
+ Fix results at /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/Netflix/ribbon/.moderne/run/20250114092127-pDBnx/fix.patch
> finos/symphony-wdk@master
No changes
> Netflix/photon@master
No changes
> spring-projects/spring-petclinic@main
No changes
> awslabs/aws-saas-boost@main
+ Fix results at /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/awslabs/aws-saas-boost/.moderne/run/20250114092127-pDBnx/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
No changes
Found change results on 2 repositories; data tables available for 10 repositories; skipped 2 repositories with no LST (22s)
1h saved by using previously built LSTs
* What to do next
> ! Update out of date LSTs with mod build .
> Click on one of the patch links above to view the changes on a particular repository
> Run mod study to examine the following data tables produced by this recipe:
> mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table VulnerabilityReport
> mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table RecipeRunStats
> mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table SourcesFileResults
> Run npm install -g diff2html-cli to produce patch files on subsequent runs that are easier to view
> Run mod git checkout . -b refactor/DependencyVulnerabilityCheck --last-recipe-run to prepare a refactor/DependencyVulnerabilityCheck branch for applying the changes
> Run mod git apply . --last-recipe-run to apply the changes
> Run mod git apply . --recipe-run 20250114092127-pDBnx to apply the changes
> Run mod log runs add . --last-run to aggregate run logs
- To learn more about what changed, you can command/ctrl click on the
files generated in the above command. If you open one of these patch files up, you'll see that various dependencies inpom.xml
files have been updated. While these updates to the dependencies are useful, they are only a minor part of what this recipe does. In the next section we'll take a look at the real power of this recipe – the data table that is produced.
Study the results of a recipe
If you've been following along, you'll know that we just ran the DependencyVulnerabilityCheck
recipe. Let's take another look at the What to do next
section produced at the end of the recipe run:
* What to do next
> ! Update out of date LSTs with mod build .
> Click on one of the patch links above to view the changes on a particular repository
> Run mod study to examine the following data tables produced by this recipe:
> mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table VulnerabilityReport
> mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table RecipeRunStats
> mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table SourcesFileResults
> Run npm install -g diff2html-cli to produce patch files on subsequent runs that are easier to view
> Run mod git checkout . -b refactor/DependencyVulnerabilityCheck --last-recipe-run to prepare a refactor/DependencyVulnerabilityCheck branch for applying the changes
> Run mod git apply . --last-recipe-run to apply the changes
> Run mod git apply . --recipe-run 20250114092127-pDBnx to apply the changes
> Run mod log runs add . --last-run to aggregate run logs
You may notice that one of the suggestions on what to do next is the mod study
command. This command allows you to examine the data tables produced by the recipe run. Data tables are columnar data in a schema defined by the recipe.
In the above example, you'll see there are three data tables produced by this recipe:
The VulnerabilityReport
contains detailed information about the vulnerabilities that exist in the repositories. For instance, it will tell you what CVE a particular repository is affected by, what the current version is, what the minimum fixed version is, a clear summary of what is wrong, and how many levels deep the dependency is.
Let's generate this data table by running the following command:
mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table VulnerabilityReport
You should see output similar to the following.
Moderne CLI 3.32.3
Found recipe run 20250114092524-RN2dY
> Selecting repositories
> apache/maven-doxia@master
> aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver@develop (no LST)
> awslabs/aws-saas-boost@main
> finos/messageml-utils@main
> finos/spring-bot@spring-bot-master (no LST)
> finos/symphony-bdk-java@main
> finos/symphony-wdk@master
> Netflix/photon@master
> Netflix/ribbon@master
> openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
> spring-projects/spring-petclinic@main
Selected 12 repositories (1s)
> Building a combined data table from results on every repository
> apache/maven-doxia@master
+ Did not produce any rows for this data table
> aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver@develop (no LST)
! No matching recipe run was found in this repository, skipping
> awslabs/aws-saas-boost@main
+ Added 64 rows
> finos/messageml-utils@main
+ Added 1 rows
> finos/spring-bot@spring-bot-master (no LST)
! No matching recipe run was found in this repository, skipping
> finos/symphony-bdk-java@main
+ Added 79 rows
> finos/symphony-wdk@master
+ Added 20 rows
> Netflix/photon@master
+ Added 5 rows
> Netflix/ribbon@master
+ Added 696 rows
> openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom@main
+ Did not produce any rows for this data table
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
+ Added 9 rows
> spring-projects/spring-petclinic@main
+ Added 9 rows
Studied 12 repositories for a total of 883 rows (1s)
* What to do next
> Open /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/VulnerabilityReport.xlsx
We used the short name for the data table (VulnerabilityReport
) rather than the fully-qualified name. As long as the short name is distinct, you can do this to save some typing.
Open up the Excel file that is produced. You will see that the recipe found almost 1,000 vulnerabilities. You can sort them by severity to see what the most important ones to start with are – or you could find the ones that can be fixed with a version update only to quickly address some of the problems. Having a table like this can help you and your organization track and prioritize security issues.
Adjust the format of data tables
Maybe you don't really want an Excel spreadsheet as the output, though. Fortunately, the Moderne CLI lets you customize what you get out of data tables with templates. Let's run a new recipe to demonstrate this. Let's run a recipe to find all locations where the java.util.List add(..)
method is used (For more information on how to select a particular method, check out our method patterns documentation).
mod run . --recipe FindMethods -PmethodPattern="java.util.List add(..)" --parallel 0
# Select the following recipe:
# * Find method usages (
Once that's done running, we could run a similar study command as before to get an Excel file that contains detailed information about all of the places this specific method was found. Let's say, however, that you don't care about all of the columns and that you'd like a markdown file to be produced instead of an Excel spreadsheet.
We can filter the data table to only a couple columns we are interested in and then use a GoTemplate to produce a markdown file containing code samples for all of the matching methods we found:
mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table MethodCalls --json sourceFile,method --template '{{"# Search results\n\n"}}{{range .}}{{"* "}}{{.sourceFile}}{{"\n```\n"}}{{.method}}{{"\n```\n"}}{{end}}' >
As you can see, the output is extremely flexible to meet whatever needs you have.
Commit changes and/or create PRs
So far, everything we've done has remained local to your machine. In a real-world situation, though, you'd definitely want to commit the results, test the changes, and open a PR in each repository. Let's walk through how to do this.
To begin, make sure you're still in the $HOME/workshop
directory with the Default
organization cloned. Then, run the following recipe to resolve common static analysis issues in all of the repositories:
mod run . --recipe CommonStaticAnalysis --parallel 0
You should see output similar to the following.
Moderne CLI 3.32.3
> Selecting repositories
> apache/maven-doxia@master
> aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver@develop (no LST)
> awslabs/aws-saas-boost@main
> finos/messageml-utils@main
> finos/spring-bot@spring-bot-master (no LST)
> finos/symphony-bdk-java@main
> finos/symphony-wdk@master
> Netflix/photon@master
> Netflix/ribbon@master
> openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
> spring-projects/spring-petclinic@main
Selected 12 repositories (1s)
> Running recipe org.openrewrite.staticanalysis.CommonStaticAnalysis
> aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver@develop (no LST)
! Skipping recipe run because no LST was found
> finos/spring-bot@spring-bot-master (no LST)
! Skipping recipe run because no LST was found
> Netflix/ribbon@master
+ Fix results at /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/Netflix/ribbon/.moderne/run/20250114093424-9Q78O/fix.patch
> openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom@main
No changes
> Netflix/photon@master
+ Fix results at /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/Netflix/photon/.moderne/run/20250114093424-9Q78O/fix.patch
> awslabs/aws-saas-boost@main
! Found 1 errors while running the recipe. Look at org.openrewrite.table.SourcesFileErrors data table for more details.
+ Fix results at /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/awslabs/aws-saas-boost/.moderne/run/20250114093424-9Q78O/fix.patch
> spring-projects/spring-petclinic@main
+ Fix results at /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/spring-projects/spring-petclinic/.moderne/run/20250114093424-9Q78O/fix.patch
> finos/symphony-wdk@master
! Found 2 errors while running the recipe. Look at org.openrewrite.table.SourcesFileErrors data table for more details.
+ Fix results at /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/symphony-wdk/.moderne/run/20250114093424-9Q78O/fix.patch
> apache/maven-doxia@master
No changes
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
+ Fix results at /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/spring-projects/spring-data-commons/.moderne/run/20250114093424-9Q78O/fix.patch
> finos/messageml-utils@main
+ Fix results at /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/messageml-utils/.moderne/run/20250114093424-9Q78O/fix.patch
> finos/symphony-bdk-java@main
+ Fix results at /Users/mikesol/Desktop/code/workshop/finos/symphony-bdk-java/.moderne/run/20250114093424-9Q78O/fix.patch
Found change results on 8 repositories; data tables available for 10 repositories; skipped 2 repositories with no LST (23s)
1h saved by using previously built LSTs
* What to do next
> ! Update out of date LSTs with mod build .
> Click on one of the patch links above to view the changes on a particular repository
> Run mod study to examine the following data tables produced by this recipe:
> mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table RecipeRunStats
> mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table SourcesFileResults
> mod study . --last-recipe-run --data-table SourcesFileErrors
> Run npm install -g diff2html-cli to produce patch files on subsequent runs that are easier to view
> Run mod git checkout . -b refactor/CommonStaticAnalysis --last-recipe-run to prepare a refactor/CommonStaticAnalysis branch for applying the changes
> Run mod git apply . --last-recipe-run to apply the changes
> Run mod git apply . --recipe-run 20250114093424-9Q78O to apply the changes
> Run mod log runs add . --last-run to aggregate run logs
Right now, if you cd
to any of the repositories in the workshop
directory, you won't see any of these changes. While you could apply these changes to the branches you have checked out, it's generally preferable to make changes inside of a branch and then submit a PR for said branch.
To begin, let's create a branch in each repository that has changes by running the following command:
mod git checkout . -b workshop-changes --last-recipe-run
You should see output similar to the following.
Moderne CLI 3.32.3
Found recipe run 20250114093829-TkzAc
> Selecting repositories
> apache/maven-doxia@master
> aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver@develop (no LST)
> awslabs/aws-saas-boost@main
> finos/messageml-utils@main
> finos/spring-bot@spring-bot-master (no LST)
> finos/symphony-bdk-java@main
> finos/symphony-wdk@master
> Netflix/photon@master
> Netflix/ribbon@master
> openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom@main
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
> spring-projects/spring-petclinic@main
Selected 12 repositories (1s)
> Checkout
> apache/maven-doxia@master
No results to commit
> aws/amazon-documentdb-jdbc-driver@develop (no LST)
No results to commit
> awslabs/aws-saas-boost@main
Switched to branch workshop-changes
> finos/messageml-utils@main
Switched to branch workshop-changes
> finos/spring-bot@spring-bot-master (no LST)
No results to commit
> finos/symphony-bdk-java@main
Switched to branch workshop-changes
> finos/symphony-wdk@master
Switched to branch workshop-changes
> Netflix/photon@master
Switched to branch workshop-changes
> Netflix/ribbon@master
Switched to branch workshop-changes
> openrewrite/rewrite-recipe-bom@main
No results to commit
> spring-projects/spring-data-commons@main
Switched to branch workshop-changes
> spring-projects/spring-petclinic@main
Switched to branch workshop-changes
Done (1s)
* What to do next
> Commit your changes using mod git commit . -m "commit message" --last-recipe-run.
Next, let's apply the changes from the recipe to these branches:
mod git apply . --last-recipe-run
If you cd
into the project directories and run git status
, you will see that you have a bunch of uncommitted and unstaged changes. Normally this would be where you would run tests and confirm that everything still works. For the purposes of the workshop, though, let's just pretend everything worked perfectly and move to the next step of staging the files and committing the changes.
To add the files to the list that should be committed, run the following command:
mod git add . --last-recipe-run
Then, to commit these changes, run the following command:
mod git commit . -m "Test common static analysis changes" --last-recipe-run
Right now, GPG signing is not supported by the mod git commit
command. If you use GPG signing, you'll either need to disable that temporarily or manually commit the changes in each repository without using the CLI.
Normally, the next step you would do would be to push the commit to a branch and open a PR for it. However, as we don't own these repositories and as we don't want to clutter them, please refrain from running the following commands against the repositories above.
There are a variety of ways to create PRs based on your goals. We'll provide a few of the most common examples below.
You could push commits to the repositories via:
# Please don't run this comand during the workshop
mod git push . --last-recipe-run
Or you could create a PR directly with the GitHub command line:
# Please don't run this comand during the workshop
mod exec . --last-recipe-run -- gh pr create --title "refactor: Apply AssertJ best practices"
Or you could create PRs while filtering to only certain repositories, branches, origins, recipe runs, etc.:
mod git push . --recipe-run <id> --repository-branch main
Additional information
If you want to learn more about the Moderne CLI, we'd encourage you to check out the follow docs:
- Learn more about how to configure the CLI to meet your needs
- Learn more about how JDK selection works and how you might configure other locations for JDKs
- Learn how to use the Moderne IntelliJ plugin in combination with the CLI to test recipes
Or watch the following videos:
Differences between the Moderne CLI and the OpenRewrite build plugins
The OpenRewrite build plugins are designed to run a single recipe on a single repository at a time. When you run a recipe using these plugins, a new LST is produced regardless of whether or not the code for that repository has changed. This LST is temporarily stored in memory and used by the recipe before being discarded at the end of the recipe run. For large projects, this can be problematic as the entire LST must fit in memory for the recipe to work.
In contrast, the Moderne CLI is designed for scale. You can run recipes against multiple repositories at once and the LST does not need to fit into memory. This is because the Moderne CLI uses proprietary code to build the LST up in parts and then serializes/writes it to the disk (as part of the mod build
command). Likewise, the mod run
command will read this LST from the disk in pieces as it runs recipes rather than building the LST every time.
When running the Moderne CLI commands for the first time, you might notice that running a single recipe on a single repository is slower than the OpenRewrite build plugins. This is due to the fact that the OpenRewrite build plugins do not serialize the LST and write it to disk.
However, if you wanted to run more recipes against the same LST, you would see that the Moderne CLI drastically increases in speed compared to the OpenRewrite build plugins as the Moderne CLI can read the pre-built LST and execute recipes against it rather than having to build it again each time. Furthermore, if you wanted to, you could use the Moderne CLI to run a recipe against many repositories at once – which the OpenRewrite build plugins can't do.